Another way to help OSS projects
More than 90% of OSS projects are run by non-crypto users and have trouble onboarding on because they don't have a small amount of ETH for gas fee. You can help by donating the cost of their gas fee and help make their crypto experience an amazing journey.

The onboarding sponsor has ended
Donations are accepted in ETH or USD
How to be a sponsor →
Send 0.05ETH
View on Etherscan ↗
Special sponsors
Special sponsors
Individual sponsors
Aya Tokura
Program overview
What is the purpose of the program?
This sponsorship program will support the onboarding of great OSS projects that wished to join but have not yet been tokenized.
Benefits for sponsors
Special sponsors (Enterprises, or those who donate above and beyond) will be featured with their logo on the program page and on also's front page.

Individual sponsors will be listed with their ENS or wallet address and their name on the Stripe payment. please make a donation here if you would prefer to be anonymous.
How to be a sponsor?
Send 0.05 ETH to the specified address, or pay 150 USD with a credit card. If you want to become a special sponsor, please enter via this form.
How are donations paid to OSS?
The Dev Protocol team will confirm with the OSS owners on whether the donation is accepted or not. If they accept it and agree to the program, the team will support their onboarding process. If the donation exceeds the required amount, it will be used for payment fees or carried over to the next month.
OSS projects eligible for sponsorship
OSS projects with more than 100 stars at the invited date are automatically added to the program. The projects are sorted in descending order by the number of stars they have, and the gas fee equivalent is allocated starting from the top.
Program duration
The program ends on the 31st of August (JST). We will automatically add any invitation requests received by the team during this period to the program.